How To Beat Facebook Algorithm

Who doesn’t want to promote their brand on the world’s largest social media platform? Of course, everyone does.  In recent years, social media has advanced at a rapid speed that made Facebook the first largest networking site with 2.91 billion active users and the fourth most prominent search engine in the world. But, first, you must understand how the Facebook algorithm works for profitable marketing on Facebook.

It is not a secret Facebook algorithm looks like a mystery or enigma that many brands prefer to stay away from. For years marketers and advertisers have seen changes in the Facebook algorithm that only hurt their organic reach and ad performance.

However, Facebook algorithms are not complicated to understand as long as you keep up your way with what is precisely a Facebook algorithm, its history, and the best practices to make the most out of it.

What is Facebook Algorithm?

Facebook algorithm influences the order of the post and feeds itself once people open their Facebook app, ensuring that people see the most relevant content. It is a complex combination of factors that evaluate, rank, and display posts on-screen on a scale of relevance for each specific Facebook user.

facebook feed

We don’t know all the details of how Facebook decides what to show people, but we know Facebook’s main objective is to keep the audience scrolling to see more ads.

Though the most dramatic algorithm change was in 2021, when Facebook was being criticized for showing controversial content, the controversy got high users and triggered compulsive use of social networking sites. As far back as 2018, critics feared the Facebook algorithm increased divisiveness, outrage, and political polarization while encouraging borderline content and promoting misinformation.

For its part, Facebook says the algorithm is all about helping users discover new content and connect with stories they care about the most while keeping misleading content at bay.

Mark Zukerberg

How Does Facebook Algorithm Work?

In a blog post published in 2022, Facebook revealed new data about its algorithm. The Facebook algorithm 2021 uses four parameters to rank multiple postings in a user’s news feed.

1. Facebook Inventory

The total number of posts accessible to Facebook to display in a user’s news feed is inventory.

2. Facebook Signals Causing Actual Interactions

As a marketer, the only aspect of the Facebook algorithm you can influence is signals. They’re further separated into two groups: passive and active.

  • Passive signals are non-active metrics such as time posted, story type, and view time.
  • Active signals include actions that promote engagement, such as reactions, likes, and shares.

The latest Facebook algorithm modifications place a strong emphasis on genuine interactions. As a result, the system gives active signals greater weight since they generate actual interactions. In 2022, the Facebook algorithm’s four most essential ranking signals are:


Facebook tries to see whether the post is from a person, news outlet, company, or public figure with whom other people interact often. Messaging, tagging, and following are examples of engagements. User-to-page interactions are given less weight.


What are the reactions of other Facebook users who have already viewed the post? Do they enjoy it, make a remark about it, react to it, or simply disregard it?


What postings (video, link, picture) get the greatest engagement? How helpful is the article? And how long do people spend reading the post?


The most recent posts are shown first. What time did it go up, and what time is it now?

3. Facebook Predictions For a Better User Experience

Facebook evaluates your profile and actions to determine what should appear in your news feed. With predictions, Facebook hopes to understand your likes and dislikes in postings, so it only displays the information you’re likely to interact with.

4. Relevancy Score For Facebook Posts

Every post on Facebook is given a relevance score. The relevance score indicates how relevant the post’s content is to a certain user. Certainly, each user’s relevance score for a specific post will differ. However, Facebook is likelier to put such posts at the top of your feed with greater relevance rankings.

Major Facebook Algorithm Changes

The Facebook algorithm took a big turn in 2018 with meaningful interaction updates. The following events are as fellow:

facebook algorithm changes

Meaningful Interactions Update (2018)

Facebook accepted the responsibility for the mental impact of this social networking site on users’ mental health in 2018. They made changes to improve the quality of time spent on Facebook. The Facebook algorithm started to prioritize posts with higher concentration so that people could interact effectively. 

Why I Am Seeing This Post (2019)

Facebook algorithms ranked high-quality, original videos that keep users watching for 1 minute and hold attention for 3 minutes. Facebook also started bumping up content from close friends, which people engage with the most. The “why I am seeing this post” update was introduced.

News Credibility (2020)

Facebook decoded some algorithm details in 2020. They helped the user to take control of their data to give algorithms better feedback. As a result, the algorithms increased the incredibility and quality of news articles to promote substantiated news rather than spread misinformation.

Machine Learning and AI (2021)

With organic reach at an all-time low, Facebook introduced machine learning to this day. Facebook uses AI and machine learning to run its algorithm and offer a better experience to the users.

Show Stories That Are Meaningful (2022)

In 2022 Facebook decides what to show the news feed using three ranking signals. Who posted it, Type of content, and interaction with the post.

How to Beat Facebook Algorithm?

Beating the Facebook algorithms may seem like a daunting task given the circumstances, but it’s not impossible to do. Here are 12 things to increase organic visitors.

Post Regularly and Timely

Keep an eye out for the best time to post on Facebook

Post at the right time because wrong timings can cause havoc to your organic engagements. There are right and wrong timings to post. Tracking your insights can gauge the right peak time to post for your brand. 

This metric is highly particular and changes from brand to brand. You can figure out what works impactful for your brand by posting numerous times and seeing what results from it yields.

facebook metrics

Be consistent in your postings

Where there is no particular timeline to post weekly or monthly, there most obviously exists a posting frequency that works for every brand. Plan out what works best for your brand in terms of engagements & reach and then keep posting. You can view Facebook insights to help you plan your future content strategy.

Basic status posts also have high engagement

You can simply ask questions or post updates for better engagements. It is basic, and you shouldn’t use this for every post, but still, it is an excellent strategy to bring engagement to your page. Think creatively about the question you can ask. You may even generate future content from their responses.

ask questions in posts

Video Is The Trend

Facebook Live

We saw a huge rise in live videos throughout 2020. A lot of this can be ascribed to restraints the world faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impacts of this change will stay for a while. The algorithms love live videos, giving them more importance than regular ones. So go live and see the results for yourself.

video trends

Facebook Stories

Stories are another great way to connect with your audience. They last for 24 hours. Stories are full-screen, creative, customizable overlays which means ways to be more authentic and less perfect. 

facebook stories

Facebook Reels

Over the years, one thing has become super clear; Facebook algorithms encourage reels content. Apart from staggering evidence to prove the assumption, Facebook has also publicly admitted this knowledge. So weave reels into your brand strategy as much as possible.

Keep Your Hashtag Game Strong

Hashtags may seem like an overrated factor, but they strongly impact when put appropriately. So keep your hashtags relevant, unique, limited, and memorable to watch your brand engagement soar to greater heights.

Here is an example of how Mari smith is choosing hashtags while uploading status about Mark Zuckerberg. You can also use free & paid hashtag-generating tools for Facebook.

hashtag use

Do Not Manipulate The Algorithm

Legally and morally, it is corrupt to manipulate algorithms from human ends. Cyberspace administration of china issued a statement that reveals that users aren’t allowed to register a false account, give incorrect information about products or services, or carry out unfair competitions using algorithms. Facebook algorithms are smart enough to catch privacy violations that lead to temporary or permanent suspension of your Facebook account.

Utilize Facebook Ads

Facebook ads help brands get more visibility and traffic to their website. You can customize your audience, age, gender, demographics, interest, and behaviors while setting up your Facebook ads. The best advantage is that you reach a specific audience that might be interested in your product and will change into your customers eventually. As a result, you can boost awareness, engagement, impression sales, and much more. 

Example: Zeen is promoting new clothing articles through Facebook ads

utilize facebook ads

Inspect Insights and Analytics

Facebook business pages can track useful insight with an array of useful tools. This is outrageous because it tells what type of your content is working in your favor. Acknowledging insights helps you curate more content in those areas. It also supports you improve the content in areas where it might be lacking.

insight and analytics

Understand Your Target Audience

One of the impactful features of Facebook platforms is its ability to catch an extremely specific audience. Facebook can customize who can see your past, and it works in paid and non-paid posts. Aside from the technical aspect, it is important to remember who you are trying to reach while building your content. Real-time communication with your audience is a reliable way to build your brand and forges a relationship with your clients.

Since the algorithms encourage pushing meaningful content, it makes sense that local content has the potential to be extremely engaging. So, publish content specific to a city or town rather than a whole state.

Stay Engaged With Your Audience

Spark conversations 

You can spark conversation by asking an interesting question. The other way round, you can also ask something about trending topics. This will increase your engagement, and you might also appear in the news feeds. You can also get personal with them by telling a small story about your business or life. Product photos, videos, infographics, or brand graphics are some other ways to spark conversation. 

Bill Gates is sharing a heartfelt story about his father on his Facebook status. people who have lost their father may relate to this post. 

engage with your audience

Respond to customers

Respond to the customers in real-time. Try to use an automated messaging tool to keep them engaged until you get online. Even just a few bad reviews, services, response time, or the product being inquired about can make or break the business. 

Here is an example of Roger (a telecommunication company) interacting with their customer in real-time. Troubled with negative comments from your customers?

interact with customers

Avoid Engagement Bait

Engagement bait is the urge of people to interact with each other through likes, comments, and shares in order to artificially boost engagement and get greater reach. However, you can do a workaround. The best way to avoid engagement bait is if people tag their friends in your posts without you asking, this means your content is exciting and relevant. 

Verify Your Facebook Page

Facebook page verification provides credibility to your brand page. It draws a fine line between real pages and fake pages run by an imposter. Moreover, Facebook prioritizes real profiles and real pages and ranks them in the news feed. You can verify your page by adding your name, contact number/ email, and address. Then, Facebook will send you a four-digit code that you will put in a bar to set up your verification. 

Here is an example of Junaid Akram, a comedian’s Facebook page with 1.5 million followers.

Facebook page

Focus On Building Communities

Creating a community for your brand will help you reach your target audience rather than relying on Facebook alone. Facebook groups are a hidden world that is taking over in terms of engagement. Try to add your fans to the focused Facebook group. Think about the interest your audience share and share relevant content. Attract new community members with Facebook ads and try to do live videos for better interaction. Also, know How To Build a Facebook Community For SAAS Business.

Building community is essential because it elevates your position in the industry and your authenticity in your niche. Undoubtedly, Facebook groups serve best for this purpose.

Here is another example of the Fiverr Exchange group. Everyone shares their Fiverr profile and tries to bring impressions. Every member of this group has a common interest; Fiverr growth. 

build communities

Be Authentic

Let us face reality; no one appreciates misinformation. So when you post on your brand’s page, remember only post genuine substantiated information. If your content has deep and fake news or files false claims, it will be de-ranked by the Facebook algorithms and thus impact your reach.

Final Words

After 18 years, Facebook still is one the most effective and impactful ways to establish your brand and reach potential connections. However, your brand success is up to you and how you utilize Facebook in the best way possible. It is not an overnight process but can be achieved with consistency and proper content planning.

Don’t be afraid of Facebook algorithms; beat them up and build your empire today!


How can I change my Facebook algorithm?

You can turn the Facebook algorithm in your favor by generating authentic & relevant content, interacting with the audience consistently, going live, uploading stories, and speaking with your fans, followers & customers in real-time.

Why am I not seeing friends’ Facebook posts?

Facebook Algorithm cuts down the noise; they look at which friends you have interacted with most and bring their posts to your news feed. It is the same for all brand pages you follow. So any page you interact with the most will often show in your feed. 

Do all my Facebook friends see all my posts?

Your post is visible to 35% of your friend list. Every week users’ news feed change. Facebook changed its algorithm to determine which posts appear in your news feed this week. 

How does Facebook decide who sees your posts?

The Facebook algorithm decides which posts people see every time they check the news feed and in what order those posts appear. These algorithms evaluate every post. It scores posts and arranges them in order of interest for each user.