How to Get Genuine Comments on Instagram

Engagement on Instagram was and still remains one of the most critical facets of profile growth. But what does engagement consist of? Likes, comments, shares, saves, and all other interactions your audience has with your content. No wonder the question of getting real comments on Instagram has not yet lost its urgency.

This article explains exactly how you can attain genuine comments from real people with no risk of getting your account flagged.

How to Get Real Comments on Instagram: Do's

Let’s start with tactics that are absolute do's when it comes to skyrocketing your Instagram engagement.

✅ Do:

Be active on Instagram

You should be active in order to build a community around your brand on Instagram. Posting different kinds of content on the platform, such as Reels, feed posts, stories, Guides, etc., is the least you can do. In addition to that, visit your followers’ profiles and comment on their posts. Don’t forget to reply to the comments under your own posts left by your audience. This will ignite a discussion and help you get genuine comments organically.


Hire Someone to Comment

You can find and hire someone to do some genuine engagement on other people's accounts for you. Most of the time, people would love to return the favour when you comment on their posts. Commenting and, to that extent, community building are perfect ways to increase your Instagram page engagement.

Platforms like Fiverr or Upwork will help you find people who can do the commenting for you. This option isn’t pricey.

Post Something Provocative

Posts that are purely provocative that argue established norms or common opinions often indulge people to discuss and contradict the claim. If you’re not afraid of the potential backlash, you can opt for this method of getting real comments on Instagram.

Leave Informative & Unique Comments

Instead of leaving one-word, unremarkable comments, try a less trite path. Let the recipient know why their post caught your attention instead of expressing general approval. Think about what exactly motivated the creator to post the image or write the caption, what they like about the post, and what they would like to hear. Think of words that could not leave the creator indifferent, which could start a discussion and attract genuine interest to your account. Yes, it's harder than just writing 'Great shot!' and calling it a day, but this is the approach that brings you quality interaction, a new loyal audience, and prevents any suspicion of spam or automated activity.

How to Get Real Comments on Instagram: Don’ts

Now that you know how to get genuine Instagram comments, let’s speak of something you shouldn’t do if you don’t want to ruin the effect.

⛔️ Don't:

Buy Comments

It probably goes without saying: bought comments are easily detected by Instagram, so you risk ending up with your account blocked, let alone such comments give you less engagement. So don't buy any comments.


Don't Ask to Visit Your Site, Profile, or Participate in a Contest

If these comments aren’t reported by the recipient accounts first, they will be removed by the anti-spam Instagram algorithm. Invitations to visit your profile, exchange likes or follow you for a follow back, calls to participate in your competition or buy something at a discount, even in a single amount can cause very unpleasant consequences, not to mention what their mass commenting can bring.

Don't Leave One-Word Comments of the Same Type

Generic comments like 'Amazing!', 'Beautiful', and 'Great photo!', can be left by anyone on any content. This won't make the creator feel special and won't make you stand out from many other accounts that often leave such comments. In addition, mass commenting of the same type of compliments is likely not only to fail to bear fruit in the form of a response or following your account, but also to lead to both temporary restriction of activity and account ban.

Don't Leave Comments That Consist Entirely of Emojis

A couple of these comments will not have irreversible consequences, but in the case of mass commenting using only emojis can easily be considered spam or bot-like — both by their recipients and Instagram spam detection algorithm.