Twitter Analytics

Twitter has been hitting the headlines recently, but how do you make sure your brand stays at the forefront of everybody’s minds and delivers tangible engagement? Well, it all starts with the data—aka Twitter analytics. And what better place to get started than Twitter analytics? Let’s go!

To tweet or not to tweet? That is the question

Or better yet, the question is what to tweet? And this is where Twitter analytics comes in handy, or, at least it should. On the one hand, it’s comprehensive and full of fascinating data. On the other, unfortunately, there are some challenges along the way to the perfect viral Tweet:

  • You can only analyze your own Twitter posts and Twitter profile, leaving you blind to your competitors, audience, and influencers’ activities. This significantly limits your Twitter marketing opportunities and the ability to understand your customers.

  • No Twitter analytics report will be as customizable as those offered by a dedicated Twitter analytics tool. Designated Twitter analytics tools allow you to choose which data to include and save you time on making a custom Twitter report from scratch.

Fortunately, the platform’s native tool isn’t the only one out there. Instead, there are special apps and marketing tools that can alleviate these problems and optimize competitor analysis, influencer research, and account analysis on Twitter in 1, 2, and 3.

Top analytics tools for better tweets — where to start?

In this article, you will find a brief overview of free and paid tools that you can use on various social media platforms, not just Twitter. We’ll tell you the ins and outs of each platform so you can choose a few based on your requirements, test them and see which works best for your Twitter analytics needs.

But before we get into all that, let’s go back to basics and understand why you need another service to plan your marketing strategy on this social media platform. To set up a successful marketing strategy for any social media – Twitter marketing is no exception – any business should follow these key steps:

  1. Define your social media goals – for example, increasing engagement, reach, conversions, and customer loyalty

  2. Start your target audience analysis – age, location, hobbies, etc.

  3. Start tracking your competitors

  4. Run analytics to find the opinion leaders – influencers, experts, or even Twitter Topics where recent tweets from your niche are highlighted

  5. When the research and analyzing part is over, you can create and run your social media campaigns

Making a good strategy without analysis is an impossible task. To set goals and test hypotheses, you need various metrics and reports starting from the number of Twitter followers and ending with Twitter sentiment analysis. That's why finding a Twitter analytics tool should be the first step in your Twitter strategy.

A lot of social media monitoring and marketing tools help you improve and map out your Twitter strategy through thorough analysis. It can be difficult to choose just one Twitter tool, but we will help you navigate the world of social media analytics tools and understand the options that are out there quickly and easily. 

Twitter analytics tools: which one should you choose?

A list of likes, comments, retweets, and followers—if this is all you’re seeing from your Twitter analytics, you’re missing the best part. In fact, Twitter analytics can be so much more with the right marketing tools.

Twitter itself has a great variety of analytics tools, and we’ll take a look at those first before we go on to the other eight that I consider the most useful ones out there—but, of course, I’m sure you’ll have some favorite Twitter analytics tools of your own.

Remember! All social media analytics tools can become your reliable assistants and allow you to look at Twitter analytics from a new angle. Despite the similarities, they are designed to solve different marketing tasks. Hopefully, you will find the best Twitter analytics tools here!