What Is The Best Time To Post On Twitter in 2023

Are you worried about your consistently decreasing Twitter engagement? Even after posting accurate content regularly and according to your niche. Then Maybe, it’s because you are not posting it at the right time. Yes, you heard me right.

You have only tiny silver of time to grab your audience’s attention with your tweet. The average Twitter user session is the least amongst other social media platforms, just 3 minutes. Undoubtedly, your content is a significant factor behind your Twitter growth but when you post, join hands with it to determine your overall Twitter engagement.

Let’s answer that for you in this guide. We’ll also look at four active brands’ Twitter accounts to see when they post to get a rough idea of the best times to tweet. We’ll ensure you get your audience’s attention each time you post on Twitter. Let’s dig in.

The research behind the best time to post on Twitter

Let’s say you run a local café. When do you think it’s the best time to post on Twitter for such a business? In the morning, because that’s when your audience wakes up and is likely looking to grab a hot cup of coffee. If you have a SaaS business, your audience wouldn’t mind an early evening tweet.

Hence, when answering exactly when is the best time to post on Twitter, only you can tell since you know your audience best. Some questions that pop up here are:

  • Are you targeting a local or an international audience?
  • What does your audience’s schedule look like?
  • When is your audience likely to be active on Twitter?

Recruiters, for example, tend to be active on social networks in the morning. But you’ll find working mothers making the time to use the app late in the day. Similarly, you need to be mindful of your time zone. For example, if you’re based in the Middle East but are targeting a UK audience, you’ll need to post according to your audience’s time zone.

Put, revisit your buyer’s persona (demographics, in particular) to identify possible times when your audience will likely be active on Twitter. Then, match these with the best times to post according to research and identify a few tweeting times. From there, experiment to find out exactly when your audience tends to be active.

The overall best times to post on Twitter (by Day)

On the basis of 6 million posts scheduled and published via FFposter with over 30 million engagement, our internal data chart showed that Wednesday, Friday, tuesday and thursday are the best day to post on twitter for maximum engagement.best time to post on twitter by day

Based on ContentStudio’s study, we divided the optimal times for posting on twitter according to days of the week:

  • Best time to post on Twitter on Monday: 2 PM EST – 4 PM EST and 10 AM EST
  • Best time to post on Twitter on Tuesday: 1 PM EST, 3 PM EST
  • Best time to post on Twitter on Wednesday: 4 PM EST, 6 PM EST and 10 PM EST
  • Best time to post on Twitter on Thursday: 12 AM EST, and 10 AM EST
  • Best time to post on Twitter on Friday: 6 PM EST and 2 PM EST
  • Best time to post on Twitter on Saturday: 7 PM EST and 12 AM EST
  • Best time to post on Twitter on Sunday: 10 AM EST and 3 PM EST

best time to post on twitter by hour

How to find the best time to post on Twitter?

  • Use Twitter Analytics to find the best time to post

Twitter Analytics lets you track Tweet impressions, profile visits, and other engagement metrics. In addition, you can get an overview of your Twitter profile using free Twitter analytics tools.

Go to the analytics section to get a complete overview of your Twitter engagement in the previous months.

Beneath the “Tweets” section, you can get a birds-eye view of all your tweet activities. 

From the top right corner, you can select what you want to see in the activity data of your tweets.

twitter analytics tools

  • Focus on Your Business Niche

The best time to tweet also varies depending on your business type. In the case of B2B businesses, the best time to post seems to be standard business hours on the weekdays. Digging further, 9 am-4 pm on Mondays & Thursdays are the most useful, especially between lunchtime from 11 am-1 pm.

In general, B2C businesses see fewer changes week-to-week than B2B businesses. The reason is that customers can shop and research products during off-hours or days, but businesses mainly operate during regular business hours. Even for B2C companies, though, weekdays are better for posting. Therefore, B2C companies should aim to conduct their business during lunchtime, 12 to 1 p.m.

  • Learn About Your Audience

Consider your audience’s average day and when they would most likely have time to browse Twitter when timing your tweets. If you’re targeting parents who stay at home, the best time to tweet would be different if you’re targeting teens or adults. To help you plan your Twitter posting strategy, consider their habits and daily schedules.

  • Keep track of Engagement And Interactions.

Looking at your account’s stats is the best way to find your time to tweet. For future postings, analyze when your most engaging tweets were posted. You can keep a thorough analytical eye on impressions, profile visits, number of tweets, etc. Twitter’s inbuilt analytics would not directly give you the best times to post. But, indirectly, you can find it based on impressions and engagement. Look for a pattern and then try to follow it in the future. Once you have discovered the pattern, follow it to post in the future.

  • Tweet Regularly

To build a strong online presence on Twitter, you must tweet consistently. A tweet’s lifespan is only 18 minutes, so you need to post content constantly to stay in the minds of your followers. However, if you find posting multiple times a day challenge, you can make use of a social media scheduler to schedule your tweets in advance. ContentStudio is a social media scheduling tool that will help you plan and schedule loads of content in one go. It will also create tweet variations that you can use to create recurring Twitter updates.